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Breach of Belongingness: Newcomer Relationship Conflict, Information, and Task-Related Outcomes During Organizational Socialization
Journal of Applied Psychology (2016)
  • Sushil S. Nifadkar, Georgia State University
  • Talya N. Bauer, Portland State University
Previous studies of newcomer socialization have underlined the importance of newcomers’ information seeking for their adjustment to the organization, and the conflict literature has consistently reported negative effects of relationship conflict with coworkers. However, to date, no study has examined the consequences of relationship conflict on newcomers’ information seeking. In this study, we examined newcomers’ reactions when they have relationship conflict with their coworkers, and hence cannot obtain necessary information from them. Drawing upon belongingness theory, we propose a model that moves from breach of belongingness to its proximal and distal consequences, to newcomer information seeking, and then to task-related outcomes. In particular, we propose that second paths exist—first coworker-centric and the other supervisor-centric—that may have simultaneous yet contrasting influence on newcomer adjustment. To test our model, we employ a 3-wave data collection research design with egocentric and Likert-type multisource surveys among a sample of new software engineers and their supervisors working in India. This study contributes to the field by linking the literatures on relationship conflict and newcomer information seeking and suggesting that despite conflict with coworkers, newcomers may succeed in organizations by building relationships with and obtaining information from supervisors
Publication Date
January, 2016
Publisher Statement
 (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved
Citation Information
Nifadkar, Sushil S.; Bauer, Talya N. (2016). Breach of Belongingness: Newcomer Relationship Conflict, Information, and Task-Related Outcomes During Organizational Socialization. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 101(1), Jan 2016, 1-13.