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Collaborations of Care: On writing Excess and a Pig Named Jessica Title
Journal for Critical Animal Studies (2023)
  • Talitha May, Portland State University
This collaborative essai is a hybrid of prose and poetry that reflects upon two different experiences with farmed animals. The prose explains the lessons a rhetoric and writing instructor learned from attending Farm Sanctuary’s
inaugural Social justice and our food system online course whereas the poetry recounts a philosophy instructor’s lived-experience with a lost pig named Jessica. Together, these virtual and material experiences with animals echo
the pedagogical and everyday importance of cultivating new notions of language and writing spaces to engage in alternative ways of living
  • Farm Sanctuary,
  • writing,
  • rhetoric,
  • critical animal studies
Publication Date
Winter December, 2023
Citation Information
Talitha May. "Collaborations of Care: On writing Excess and a Pig Named Jessica Title" Journal for Critical Animal Studies Vol. 20 Iss. 1 (2023) p. 6 - 19 ISSN: 1948-352X
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