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When is Every Order Ideal a Ring Ideal?
All HMC Faculty Publications and Research
  • Melvin Henriksen, Harvey Mudd College
  • Suzanne Larson, Loyola Marymount University
  • Frank A. Smith, Kent State University
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A lattice-ordered ring ℝ is called an OIRI-ring if each of its order ideals is a ring ideal. Generalizing earlier work of Basly and Triki, OIRI-rings are characterized as those f-rings ℝ such that ℝ/I is contained in an f-ring with an identity element that is a strong order unit for some nil l-ideal I of ℝ. In particular, if P(ℝ) denotes the set of nilpotent elements of the f-ring ℝ, then ℝ is an OIRI-ring if and only if ℝ/P(ℝ) is contained in an f-ring with an identity element that is a strong order unit.


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Citation Information
Henriksen, M., S. Larson, and F. A. Smith. "When is every order ideal a ring ideal?" Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 32.3 (1991): 411-416.