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Compliance with preventative measures during the COVID-19 pandemic in the USA and Canada: Results from an online survey
Social Work in Health Care (2021)
  • Donna Wang, Springfield College
  • Suzanne Marmo, Sacred Heart University
  • Kathryn Krase
This study explored people’s compliance with recommended preventative measures during early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. An online survey was administered in June 2020 in the USA and Canada (N = 1,405). Regression analysis found that when controlling for other factors, age and political ideology were signi cant predictors of compliance with preventative measures. A content analysis of narrative answers of compli- ance/noncompliance found that the majority of individuals intended to comply with preventative measures, with primary reasons as social responsibility, self-protection, and protection of family members. Reasons identi ed for not complying were viewing preventative practices as unnecessary, getting mixed messages from various sources about e ectiveness, distrust in government and inability to comply. This study informs social workers on intervention strategies on micro, mezzo and macro levels of practice.
Publication Date
Winter January 7, 2021
Citation Information
Donna Wang, Suzanne Marmo and Kathryn Krase. "Compliance with preventative measures during the COVID-19 pandemic in the USA and Canada: Results from an online survey" Social Work in Health Care (2021)
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