Pleistocene Initiation of Strike-Slip Faults
Southwest of the San Andreas Fault in Southern California: High Geologic Slip
Rates Due to a Southwestward Shift of Relative Plate Motion
Annual meeting of the Southern California Earthquake Center
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Citation Information
Janecke, S. U., Dorsey R. J., Steely, A. N., Lutz, A, Kirby, S. M., Housen, B. A., and
Victoria Langenheim , V., , 2006, Pleistocene Initiation of Strike-Slip Faults
Southwest of the San Andreas Fault in Southern California: High Geologic Slip
Rates Due to a Southwestward Shift of Relative Plate Motion: Annual meeting of the Southern California Earthquake Center, Palm Springs, CA, v. 16, p. 109.