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Evidence for paleoseismic slip on a continental low-angle normal fault: Tectonic pseudotachylyte from the West Salton detachment fault, CA, USA
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
  • Mitchell Prante, Utah State University
  • James P. Evans, Utah State University
  • Susanne U. Janecke, Utah State University
  • Alex Steely, Utah State University
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Highlights • Evidence for repeated ancient seismicity along a continental low-angle normal fault. • Thick (>1.0 m) accumulations of tectonic pseudotachylyte. • Pseudotachylyte formed in the shallow-crust with little fluid involvement. • Seismic slip occurs during low-angle normal fault evolution. The potential of continental low-angle normal faults (LANF) to nucleate large (>6.0 Mw) earthquakes at low-angles remains unclear despite much focused research. We document evidence for ancient seismicity along a continental LANF (detachment fault) that formed and slipped at low-angles and produced tectonic pseudotachylyte. These thick and laterally persistent pseudotachylyte accumulations along the West Salton detachment fault (WSDF), Salton Trough, USA, preserve convincing evidence for a frictional melt origin including: spherulitic microlites, ductile-flow structures, preservation of high temperature phases as clasts, and injection veins. Cumulative thickness of pseudotachylyte along the fault ranges from 0.1 to 1.5 m, and pseudotachylyte–cataclasite in the fault core and damage zone are exposed along ∼2.6 km length of the fault. Reworked fragments of pseudotachylyte in cataclasites, and multiple generations of cataclasites provide evidence for the preservation of multiple earthquake cycles. The limited exposure (

Citation Information
Mitchell Prante, James P. Evans, Susanne U. Janecke and Alex Steely. "Evidence for paleoseismic slip on a continental low-angle normal fault: Tectonic pseudotachylyte from the West Salton detachment fault, CA, USA" Earth and Planetary Science Letters Vol. 387 Iss. 1 (2014) p. 170 - 183
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