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Geologic map of the Lima 30' x 60' quadrangle, southwest Montana
  • J. D. Lonn
  • B. Skipp
  • E. T. Ruppel
  • Susanne U. Janecke, Utah State University
  • W. J. Perry
  • J. W. Sears
  • M. J. Bartholomew
  • M. C. Stickney
  • W. J. Fritz
  • H. A. Hurlow
  • R. C. Thomas
  • Geologic map,
  • quadrangle Arco,
  • Montana
Publication Date
January 1, 2006
Citation Information
Lonn, J. D., Skipp, B., Ruppel, E. T., Janecke, S. U., Perry, W.J., Jr., Sears, J. W., Bartholomew, M. J., Stickney, M. C., Fritz, W. J., Hurlow, H. A., and Thomas, R. C., 2006 (Revised), Geologic map of the Lima 30' x 60' quadrangle, southwest Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open File Report MBMG 408, scale 1:100,000.