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What Inspires Women to Run for Public Office?
  • Susan R. Madsen, Utah State University
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For many years, the United States has been underperforming regarding the number of women running for and serving in elected office. Although significant strides have been made in increasing the number of women serving in elected roles, there is still work to be done. For example, the state of Utah has never elected a female governor or a US Senator, and only two women have served in statewide executive offices. Yet, American democracy is grounded in the idea of representation, and research has found that residents and communities benefit when more equal numbers of men and women work together in decision-making and problem-solving. In order to encourage more women to run for and serve in office, it is important to first identify the possible motivating factors for women who run. This article will highlight these motivators.

Citation Information
Madsen, S. R. (2021, April 2). What inspires women to run for public office? LinkedIn.