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The Flexibility and Family-Friendly Policies of Top Companies
  • Susan R. Madsen, Utah State University
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The COVID-19 pandemic that reached many countries around the globe in March of 2020 has had an enormous impact on the way companies do business. Perhaps the biggest change for employees came in the widespread shift to remote work as a public health measure, but many companies adjusted work practices and policies in other ways to support their employees during a challenging time. Many changes focus on flexibility and family-friendly policies, which have traditionally been a double-edged sword for working women. Though such offerings have made it possible for some mothers to remain in the workforce, taking advantage of such programs has often placed women on the “mommy-track,” where they are seen as being less committed to their careers. Yet these programs are not for women only, and men who utilize family-friendly benefits have also experienced backlash.

Citation Information
Madsen, S. R. (2021, February 8). The flexibility and family-friendly policies of top companies. LinkedIn.