Why Women Need Developmental Networks (And More Than Just Mentors And Sponsors)

Post written by

Susan Madsen

Women's Leadership Thought Leader;Orin R. Woodbury Professor of Leadership and Ethics, Woodbury School of Business,Utah Valley University

For the past few decades, experts, scholars and managers have talked about the importance of mentors in helping men and women advance in their workplace settings.

In 2013, Sheryl Sandberg’s book Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead was published with a fascinating chapter titled, “Are you my mentor?” (This is a play on the children’s book titled Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman, according to CBS News.) She compared a little bird’s relentless search for its mother to women’s persistent search for a mentor — continuously and almost desperately asking people to mentor them.

That same year, Sylvia Ann Hewlett’s book Forget a Mentor, Find a Sponsor: The New Way to Fast-Track Your Career ignited the conversation about the importance of sponsors instead of just mentors. Research for some time has also found that a developmental network perspective can benefit all. One thing is clear: Acquiring both human capital and social capital is critical for leaders and leadership development.

Although most people seem to know the difference between a mentor and sponsor, I still see the word “mentor” overused and applied universally to most developmental relationships. “Developmental relationships” is the overarching term for any type of relationship that is developmental in nature. These types of relationships also fall within what is called a “developmental network,” which is a set of people interested in and willing to take action to help an individual advance in his or her career.

According to Wendy Murphy, Kerry Roberts Gibson and Kathy Kram in a 2017 scholarly piece titled Advancing Women through Developmental Relationships, this shift from a traditional one-on-one relationship to a developmental network is connected to benefits like enhanced compensation, increased promotions, expanded personal learning, heightened performance and boosted work satisfaction.

In my many years of coaching and offering leadership development seminars and programs for women, I have witnessed a dramatic positive change when women begin strategically thinking about their developmental relationships and networks: Their careers start advancing.

In my own research, I have found that this type of network could include various people, such as mentors (e.g., one-on-one, group, peer, structured, unstructured, formal, informal, in-person and distance), coaches (e.g., one-on-one, tutor, group, peer, executive) sponsors, role models, advisors, counselors, developers, encouragers or supporters. And, these relationships can be inside or outside the organization.

It is clear that women and men need developmental networks, but men’s networks often come naturally and more readily. In fact, one Forbes article reported that unconscious bias continues to favor men at work, which can seep into all elements of the workplace for employees (including developmental networks). And, according to the Harvard Business Review, some women even avoid networking because of the worry that they will appear to be inauthentic.

Murphy and associates also stated that “women may be in particular need of strong development networks, as compared to men, depending upon the cultural and social expectations from childhood that may hinder the development of women as leaders.” Others agree that women need to develop a “constellation of developmental relationships.”

In addition, researchers Amy Diehl and Leanne Dzubinski, in a chapter in the Handbook of Research on Gender and Leadership, reported that women often have less access to informal networks that are connected to developing relationships. Murphy, Gibson and Kram also noted that women (and men) define themselves based on what others tell them they are. Other research discusses gender differences on the prevalence and types of mentors and sponsors, the amount and type of feedback provided and the breadth and depth of their developmental networks.

The bottom line is that both men and women do need developmental networks, but because of the gender dynamics in workplaces today, in many industries men have access to various types of relationships more often than women.

As a result, I’ve developed four research-based tips that companies can use to help women employees expand and benefit from their development networks:

1. Change the conversation in your company from the importance of “getting a mentor” to the benefits of carefully crafting a developmental network.

This network can come together naturally if women are aware of its benefits and keep the need on their radars as they work and contribute within your organizations. This suggestion is foundational to the others as changing conversations and cultures are necessary for positive, long-term change. Raising awareness with managers and leaders can start this organizational shift.

2. Teach employees the difference between networking as a social activity and a strategic developmental network as a growth opportunity.

Again, the latter creates a web of people interested in and willing to take action to help a woman in her career. This can be an easy conversation. For example, you can provide an example that distinguishes between the two and highlight the development and learning that came with the second.

3. Help your team understand that developmental relationships are reciprocal in nature.

There is often a misconception that developmental relationships are all about people helping the individual. But these types of relationships come from “giving” as much, if not more, than any “taking” that will occur. Mentors, sponsors, coaches and others will need to receive benefits from the individual if they are going to take action to help. Include specific examples from your own experience to encourage your team to take initiative. For example, one of my deans became a powerful sponsor because I continuously stepped forward to take on challenging assignments.

4. Create learning opportunities that will help employees develop their own strategies to effectively expand developmental relationships and networks.

These opportunities can come in the form of offering seminars and workshops, individual and group coaching, and modeling these relationships yourself.

As we encourage our women employees to develop networks and relationships more strategically, I believe they will have increased experiences that help them see themselves as leaders, have others see them as leaders and then take action to move into more formal leadership roles. And, this will benefit everyone.

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Women's Leadership Thought Leader; Orin R. Woodbury Professor of Leadership & Ethics, Woodbury School of Business, Utah Valley University. Read Susan Madsen's ful...