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Utah Women Stats Research Snapshot No. 2: Poverty Among Utah Women
  • Susan R. Madsen
  • Robbyn T. Scribner, Utah Valley University
Publication Date
Fall November 7, 2016
Although Utahans in general experience lower rates of poverty than the national average (11.3% in Utah vs. 14.7% nationwide), 1 Utah women are more likely than Utah men to live in poverty, especially women who are heads of households and/or single parents.2 Many factors influence the levels of poverty among Utah women. The gender wage gap in Utah is one of the highest in the nation; 3 women are much more likely to work minimum wage jobs, 4 and women in Utah have lower levels of educational achievement—particularly at the bachelor’s degree level and higher—than women across the nation. 5 Utah women within specific demographics (including certain ethnic and racial groups) are even more likely to experience poverty. 6
Citation Information
Susan R. Madsen and Robbyn T. Scribner. "Utah Women Stats Research Snapshot No. 2: Poverty Among Utah Women" (2016)
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