Women and Leadership Around the World
A volume in Women and Leadership: Research, Theory, and Practice Series Editors Faith Wambura Ngunjiri, Susan R. Madsen, Karen A. Longman Women and Leadership around the World is the third volume in a new series of books (Women and Leadership: Research, Theory, and Practice) that will is now being published to inform leadership scholars and practitioners. The purpose of this volume is to explore areas of women's leadership in four regions around the world: the Middle East, Europe, North America, and Asia Pacific.
Publication Date
July 16, 2015
Susan R. Madsen, Faith Wambura Ngunjiri, Karen A. Longman
Information Age Publishing
Citation Information
Faith Wambura Ngunjiri and Susan R. Madsen. Women and Leadership Around the World. Charlotte, NCVol. 3 (2015) Available at: