Work-life Issues and Strategies for Women Leaders Across the Globe
Academy of Management Annual Meeting
Exploring the work-life issues and strategies for women leaders across the globe can provide valuable insights for scholars and practitioners in understanding similarities and differences among cultures. This paper reports on a portion of the data collected from four qualitative studies (e.g., Madsen, 2008) conducted between 2005 and 2009. The general purpose of each study was to explore the “lived experiences” (Van Manen, 2001) of women leaders in developing the knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies required for successful leadership. Hence, the overarching research question for each study was as follows: What are the lived experiences of women leaders in developing leadership throughout their lives? The phenomenological research methodology was used to conduct in-depth interviews with a variety of women leaders in these studies: 1) U.S. governors, 2) U.S. university presidents, 3) Emirati women business and government leaders in the UAE, and 4) Chinese women leaders in higher educational settings in China. Each interview was audio taped, transcribed, and analysed based on generally accepted data collection procedures for this type of methodology (Van Manen, 2001).
- work-life,
- women,
- opportunities,
- leadership
Publication Date
Summer August 16, 2011
Citation Information
Susan R. Madsen. "Work-life Issues and Strategies for Women Leaders Across the Globe" Academy of Management Annual Meeting (2011) Available at: