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Biological conversion assay using Clostridium phytofermentans to estimate plant feedstock quality
Biotechnology for Biofuels (2012)
  • Scott J Lee, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Thomas A Warnick, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Sivakumar Pattathil, University of Georgia
  • Jesus G Alvelo-Maurosa, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Michelle J Serapiglia, Cornell University
  • Heather McCormick, University of Georgia
  • Virginia Brown, University of Georgia
  • Naomi F Young, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Danny J Schnell, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Lawrence B Smart, Cornell University
  • Michael G Hahn, University of Georgia
  • Jeffrey F Pedersen, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • Susan Leschine, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Samuel P Hazen, University of Massachusetts - Amherst

Background There is currently considerable interest in developing renewable sources of energy. One strategy is the biological conversion of plant biomass to liquid transportation fuel. Several technical hurdles impinge upon the economic feasibility of this strategy, including the development of energy crops amenable to facile deconstruction. Reliable assays to characterize feedstock quality are needed to measure the effects of pre-treatment and processing and of the plant and microbial genetic diversity that influence bioconversion efficiency. Results We used the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium phytofermentans to develop a robust assay for biomass digestibility and conversion to biofuels. The assay utilizes the ability of the microbe to convert biomass directly into ethanol with little or no pre-treatment. Plant samples were added to an anaerobic minimal medium and inoculated with C. phytofermentans, incubated for 3 days, after which the culture supernatant was analyzed for ethanol concentration. The assay detected significant differences in the supernatant ethanol from wildtype sorghum compared with brown midrib sorghum mutants previously shown to be highly digestible. Compositional analysis of the biomass before and after inoculation suggested that differences in xylan metabolism were partly responsible for the differences in ethanol yields. Additionally, we characterized the natural genetic variation for conversion efficiency in Brachypodium distachyon and shrub willow (Salix spp.). Conclusion Our results agree with those from previous studies of lignin mutants using enzymatic saccharification-based approaches. However, the use of C. phytofermentans takes into consideration specific organismal interactions, which will be crucial for simultaneous saccharification fermentation or consolidated bioprocessing. The ability to detect such phenotypic variation facilitates the genetic analysis of mechanisms underlying plant feedstock quality.

Publication Date
February 8, 2012
Publisher Statement
This paper was harvested from BioMed Central. doi:10.1186/1754-6834-5-5
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Citation Information
Scott J Lee, Thomas A Warnick, Sivakumar Pattathil, Jesus G Alvelo-Maurosa, et al.. "Biological conversion assay using Clostridium phytofermentans to estimate plant feedstock quality" Biotechnology for Biofuels Vol. 5 Iss. 5 (2012)
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