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Unpublished Paper
SNPs in Region of NF-Kappa-B Gene Associated with Expression of Immune-Related Genes
Animal Industry Report
  • Erin Sandford, Iowa State University
  • Ceren Ciraci, Iowa State University
  • Behnam Abasht, Iowa State University
  • Jack C.M. Dekkers, Iowa State University
  • Susan J. Lamont, Iowa State University
Extension Number
ASL R2483
Publication Date
Animal Health
Summary and Implications

Selection to enhance immune response is difficult. Gene expression was assessed in two advanced intercross lines of chickens for various immune-related genes. Single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs, were identified in regions local to each gene and around a distant transcription factor, NF-Kappa-B, NFKB. These SNPs were used to identify expression QTL, eQTL, to aid in selection of immune gene expression. These eQTL may provide effective resources to which marker assisted selection may be applied.

Copyright Holder
Iowa State University
Citation Information
Erin Sandford, Ceren Ciraci, Behnam Abasht, Jack C.M. Dekkers, et al.. "SNPs in Region of NF-Kappa-B Gene Associated with Expression of Immune-Related Genes" (2010)
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