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Moving Beyond the Collection's Boundaries: Analyzing the Results of an Unmediated Document Delivery Service
Medical Library Association Conference (2015)
  • Emily K. Chan, San Jose State University
  • Christina Mune, San Jose State University
  • Yiping Wang, San Jose State University
  • Susan L. Kendall, San Jose State University
Objectives: This presentation offersinsight about the Challenges and value of patron-driven, unmediated document delivery through the analysis of over 1,900 fulfilled requests during 2012-2013 academic year. Unmediated document delivery offers alternatives to bundled journal packages and mediated interlibrary loan.This service enables libraries to meet users' needs that extend beyond the confines of existing journal collections.

Methods: To meet "just in time" user needs that extend beyond the existing library's journals collections, libraries have begun to implement patron-driven,unmediated document delivery services, like Copyright Clearance Center's Get it Now. Analyzing invoice and usage data derived from over 1,900 fulfilled Get it Now requests at San Jose State University in San Jose, CA during 2012-2013 academic year, this poster will assess the value of patron-driven, unmediated document delivery servicesin providing non-library materials. Average duration for article request fulfillment; the ability of this service to address gapsin the collection stemming from cancellations, publisher withdrawals from aggregators, embargoes and missing back files; and duplication of existing physical materials will be investigated. Get it Now requests were analyzed to identify top journal candidates for possible subscription; subscription was financially compared to pay-per-view,on­ demand document delivery services.

Results: Over 1,900 Get it Now requests were fulfilled during the 2012-2013 academic year. On average, the tumaround time for article fulfillment was 1 hour and 25 minutes. For the highly requested journals, it was generally more cost effective for the library to pay for individual articles as opposed to an institutional subscription.

Conclusions: With the continual addition of publishers and journal titles to the Get it Now service, libraries can enable SFX or Serials Solutions citation link resolver targets and objects to address collection gaps stemming from cancellations, publisher withdrawals from database aggregators, embargoes, and missing back files. Based on the 1,900 article requests fulfilled during the 2012-2013 academic year, Get it Now offers another viable and potentially cost-saving alternative for electronic document deliivery.
Publication Date
May 17, 2015
Austin, TX
Citation Information
Emily K. Chan, Christina Mune, Yiping Wang and Susan L. Kendall. "Moving Beyond the Collection's Boundaries: Analyzing the Results of an Unmediated Document Delivery Service" Medical Library Association Conference (2015)
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