Developing a Community of Online Research Assignments
portal: Libraries and the Academy
This case study describes the development of CORA (Community of Online Research Assignments), an open educational resource (OER). CORA, available at www.projectcora.org, was developed through a Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC) grant. The grant proposed to use a “recipe” metaphor to envision shared information literacy assignments as recipes that could be tweaked or easily adapted to fit into any information literacy curriculum. Results from several mixed methods assessment projects were incorporated into the original prototype and subsequent improvements. This case study is discussed within the broader context of the benefits and challenges of open educational repositories.
- OER,
- open educational resources,
- information literacy,
- teaching,
- assignment design,
- teaching resources,
- library instruction
Publication Date
July, 2018
Citation Information
Susan [Gardner] Archambault. "Developing a Community of Online Research Assignments" portal: Libraries and the Academy Vol. 18 Iss. 3 (2018) p. 451 - 471 ISSN: 1530-7131 Available at: http://works.bepress.com/susan_gardner/29/