Measure for Measure: Using Collaborative Assessment to Build Stronger Information Literacy Skills
11th Northumbria Conference
This paper will present a case study of how Loyola Marymount University (LMU) evaluated the information literacy component across 72 required Rhetorical Arts course sections taken by 1272 freshmen in Spring 2014. Rhetorical Arts is designed to teach students the time- honored tradition of the “good person writing and speaking well for the public good.” The course requirements (as dictated by a common syllabus) include one face-to-face librarian-led workshop, and coursework requiring students to develop a research topic, create a research diary, and create an annotated bibliography. Supporting material for students created by the library to enhance or supplement the in-person library visit included a “Research Guide,” a “Research Strategies Tutorial,” and a digital learning object called “The RADAR Game.” The effectiveness of the face-to-face instruction, course-integrated assignments, and library support materials was assessed through a mixed methods approach using direct and indirect measures. Overall areas of weakness were identified and communicated to the key course stakeholders. The process led to improvements in the information literacy assignments and library supporting material and improved integration of the library visit into the curricula for next year.
Publication Date
July, 2015
Citation Information
Susan [Gardner] Archambault. "Measure for Measure: Using Collaborative Assessment to Build Stronger Information Literacy Skills" 11th Northumbria Conference (2015) Available at: