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Body Limb Movement Limiter
Mechanical Engineering - Daytona Beach
  • Susan Davis Allen, Arkansas State University - Main Campus
Document Type
Publication/Presentation Date

A body limb movement limiter restrains the movement of a person's arm so as to protect the person's shoulder or restrains the movement of a person's lower leg with respect to the upper leg so as to protect the person's knee. The device uses a housing having a reel disposed therein with a tether attached thereto and a shear thickening non-Newtonian fluid disposed within the housing so that the fluid acts on the reel during a payout procedure of the tether. The housing is attached to a strap secured about the torso of the person while the free end of the tether is secured about the person's arm. Alternately, a pair of arms are pivotally secured to each other within a housing having the non-Newtonian fluid therein for limiting movement of one arm with respect to the other.

Patent Number
US Patent 7,402,147 B1
Application Number
Date Filed
Additional Information

Dr. Susan Allen was not affiliated with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University at the time this document was published.

Citation Information
Susan Davis Allen. "Body Limb Movement Limiter" (2008)
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