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From Reading to Revering the Good Book, Or How the Word Became Fossil at the Creation Museum
The Book, Texts and the Liberal Arts: Proceedings of the Maryville Symposium on Faith and the Liberal Arts
  • Susan L. Trollinger, University of Dayton
Document Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date

Given the complexity of this sacred text and the intensity with which Protestants have sought to glean its truths from it, it is not surprising that Luther’s “dangerous idea” yielded countless splits, schisms, and sects. Whereas once there was the Church, Protestants dedication to reading the Scripture for themselves has brought an endless variety of theologies, practices, and fellowships with no end in sight. While every one of these groups claims (whether explicitly or implicitly) that they alone have the true word of God, none has been able to arrest the flow of interpretations. With everyone free to read the Bible as they wish, and read it differently they do, no one has been able to control its reading or the proliferation of its meaning. That is, until now.

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To read other papers from this conference, visit the conference website.

Maryville College
Place of Publication
Maryville, TN
Peer Reviewed
Citation Information
Susan L. Trollinger. "From Reading to Revering the Good Book, Or How the Word Became Fossil at the Creation Museum" The Book, Texts and the Liberal Arts: Proceedings of the Maryville Symposium on Faith and the Liberal Arts Vol. 4 (2011)
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