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Review of Kathleen Hall Jamieson's 'Beyond the Double Bind: Women and Leadership'
Quarterly Journal of Speech
  • Susan L. Trollinger, University of Dayton
Document Type
Book Review
Publication Date

As someone who came of age during the decade that opened with the defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment (1982) and closed with the handing down of the Webster decision (1989), I was surprised when Susan Faludi's Backlash, then Naomi Wolfs The Beauty Myth, and then Gloria Steinem's Revolution From Within became best sellers in the early 1990s. As someone who had studied the work of Herbert Wichelns, Marie Hochmuth Nichols, and Forbes Hill, I could not help wondering whether the popularity of these books indicated that the American women's movement was producing a promising rhetorical shift. Four years since the first of these books was published and some time after my surprise had subsided, I was nonetheless delighted to see Kathleen Hall Jamieson's Beyond the Double Bind lining the shelves of my local Barnes and Noble. In anticipation that this book, written by a Communication scholar yet addressed to a popular audience, would assess popular feminism's persuasive potential and make its own rhetorical intervention, I bought it on the spot. I was not to be disappointed.

Inclusive pages

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Taylor and Francis
Peer Reviewed
Citation Information
Susan L. Trollinger. "Review of Kathleen Hall Jamieson's 'Beyond the Double Bind: Women and Leadership'" Quarterly Journal of Speech Vol. 82 Iss. 3 (1996)
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