It is with sincere pleasure that I welcome you to the 1st issue of JETstream, a bi-annual newsletter publication for the James E. Tobin Library (JET) at Molloy College. The objective of our newsletter is to help keep the Molloy community informed on matters concerning the library from the wide range of resources we offer, to the various services available, special events, distinctive collections, as well as contact information. Most importantly, we look forward to familiarizing you with our most valued and essential resource, the JET Library librarians and staff.
With the summer already a faded memory, the Fall 2016 semester is now in full swing and the JET Library along with the entire Molloy campus is buzzing with activity. Many freshmen will be visiting the library for the first time as part of their FST information literacy session where they will learn the basics of scholarly research using the JET resources. The students will explore the library website, Search Everything box, Libguides, physical books, streaming and more. They also begin to understand how to analyze sources and think critically about information. These ideas will be further developed during information literacy sessions embedded in their classes throughout their years at Molloy as well as help them in their future careers.
I would like to close this message with a sincere thanks to all who contributed in one way or another towards the first issue of this newsletter. It is because of your creative ideas, and collaborative effort that JETstream was able to be “launched”. I look forward to working together with all of you on our future issues.
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/susan-bloom/19/