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Origin and Future of Humanity for Logical Understanding
  • Sung-Soo Han
How did the history of a human being start and how will it end?All human beings who were born on this planet so far have agonized over this puzzle but anybody did not seek out a right answer to this problem to date. 

 “Theory of evolution” is the view that a human being evolved from a lower creature, and “theory of spontaneous generation” explains that a human being emerged naturally. On the other hand, “theory of creation” states that God created a human being based on the record of the Bible.  

If each side continues to argue its position only based on the uncertain scientific ground or the vague record of the Bible, it would be impossible to come to a true conclusion.

Current scientific theory is only the result of the knowledge that humans have accumulated so far. When new facts are discovered as a result of accumulating knowledge through academic research, a new scientific theory is born.

Currently scientists say that the sun's surface temperature is about 5,500 degrees Celsius. Some scholars say it is 6,000 degrees Celsius. However, the Creator God says that scientists' claims are truly absurd, and explains the reason logically as follows so that people can easily understand.

To say that the surface temperature of the sun is 6,000°C is quite wrong. Let’s assume that a furnace which emits the heat of 6,000°C is at the distance of 40km. If it is cold a little, a person who is at the distance of 40km cannot feel the heat of the furnace. If it blows and it is 20°C below zero, there is nothing more to say. If you want to go to the sun, you must get through the space of the universe whose temperature is 100°C below zero. So, if the surface temperature of the sun is just 6,000°C, can the heat of the sun reach the earth passing through the space of the universe? Absolutely it cannot. (See text "Adjustment of the Sun Temperature" for details.)

In conclusion, the Creator God says that the temperature of the sun is more than a trillion degrees. Comparing scientists' arguments with God's logical explanation makes it easy for people to understand which argument is correct. Therefore, this article clearly explains the limitations of human knowledge by comparing the arguments of scientists and theologians with the logical Words of God.

Now humanity is suffering badly from climate change problems. All the suffering that humans are experiencing now is by God's providence. To solve the current problem, humans must understand the Words of God.

God created the earth and the universe. Thus, God alone knows and can tell the secret of creation.  It is useless for a human being having a lifespan of at most 100 years to try to explain the secret of creation of a human being and the universe with a low level of human science. If God does not give human beings wisdom, a human being can never be able to explain it with his knowledge. This book talks about the fundamental problems of life that no human being has known or talked about since the history of mankind, which everyone must understand.

If you keep doing "1x2" 40 times, it's over a trillion. If one person does evil to two people, two people suffer, and if two people do evil to two other people again, four people suffer, and if four people do evil to four others again, eight people suffer. If this process continues 40 times, 1 trillion people will suffer. That's why the pain doesn't stop on Earth. This is why we should all live a crystal-clear and clean life according to God's Words, away from sin.

This book is a must-read for everyone in the world. I wish that all men reading this writing could enjoy the life full of peacefulness and joy by leading their life according to the Words of God and ultimately get into the Second Heaven prepared by God. And I sincerely pray to Lord God for that.  
  • Origin of Humanity,
  • Future of Humanity
Publication Date
Winter November 23, 2023
Citation Information
Sung-Soo Han. Origin and Future of Humanity for Logical Understanding. (2023)
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