Erratum: (Pediatric Urologists of Canada (PUC) 2021 position statement: Differences of sex development (AKA disorders of sex development) (Can Urol Assoc J (2021) 15:1 (E11-E116) DOI: 10.5489/cuaj.6712)
Canadian Urological Association Journal
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In a recently published paper entitled, "Comparison of micro-ultrasound and multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging for prostate cancer: A multicenter, prospective analysis," (Citation: Klotz L, Lughezzani G, Maffei D, et al. Can Urol Assoc J 2021;15(1):E11-6., the affiliations for authors Davide Maffei and Giovanni Lughezzani, as well as for contributing author Marco Paciotti, were incorrectly stated. The correct affiliations for all three authors are: Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, and IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan, Italy. CUAJ regrets the oversight and apologizes for any inconvenience.
Citation Information
Rodrigo L.P. Romao, Luis H. Braga, Melise Keays, Sumit Dave, et al.. "Erratum: (Pediatric Urologists of Canada (PUC) 2021 position statement: Differences of sex development (AKA disorders of sex development) (Can Urol Assoc J (2021) 15:1 (E11-E116) DOI: 10.5489/cuaj.6712)" Canadian Urological Association Journal Vol. 16 Iss. 2 (2022) p. E111 Available at: