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Expeditious reperfusion in non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction: a single center ten year experience
Aurora UW Cardiology Faculty
  • Kambiz Shetabi, Advocate Aurora Health
  • R Patel
  • Rafath Ullah, Advocate Aurora Health
  • T Siddiqua
  • T Wilson
  • Susan Olet, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Khawaja A Ammar, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Suhail Allaqaband, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Tanvir Bajwa, Advocate Aurora Health
  • M F Jan
Publication Date
Presentation Notes
Oral presentation for International Academy of Cardiology, Scientific Sessions 2016, 21st World Congress on Heart Disease, Boston, MA, July 30, 2016.
Document Type
Oral/Podium Presentation
Citation Information

Shetabi K, Patel R, Ullah R, Siddiqua T, Wilson T, Olet S, Ammar KA, Allaqaband S, Bajwa T, Jan MF. Expeditious reperfusion in non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction: a single center ten year experience. International Academy of Cardiology, Scientific Sessions 2016, 21st World Congress on Heart Disease. July 30, 2016.