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About Sue Ravenscroft

Susan P. Ravenscroft, who was the recipient of the Excellence in Research Award at ISU in 2000 and was one of the researchers from the College of Business who collaborated on a highly publicized study about why college students cheat, has been named the first Roger P. Murphy Professor of Accounting at Iowa State University. Ravenscroft will officially receive her appointment during a private ceremony in November.
Ravenscroft joined the Iowa State faculty in 1998 after teaching at Eastern Michigan University for 10 years. Her research -- which primarily focuses on incentives, accounting education and managerial accounting -- has been published in such publications as The Accounting Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Behavioral Research in Accounting, Advances in Management Accounting, Issues in Accounting Education, and Journal of Accounting Education. Additionally, she has presented numerous papers at national and regional meetings, and also spoken about business ethics and service learning at national accounting meetings.


Present Roger P. Murphy Professor, Iowa State University Department of Accounting

Curriculum Vitae


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Contact Information

3288 Gerdin Business Building
2167 Union Dr
Ames, IA 50011
Phone: 515-294-3574
Fax: 515-294-3525


Journal Article (9)

Technical Reports (1)