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Ebook Access: Business Models for Subscription Services
Online Searcher
  • Sue Polanka, Wright State University - Main Campus
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At the O'Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing conference in 2011 (, Kevin Kelly, senior maverick at Wired, discussed the future of publishing in terms of access versus ownership. He believes accessing, not owning, content is the future. As a librarian, I thought this made perfect sense--after all, that's what libraries have offered for centuries.

However, putting myself in the shoes of publishers, those who rely on sales and revenue, this sounded a bit frightening. How would an access-based future alter the publishing and book distribution industry? How, if at all, might this affect libraries?

Citation Information
Sue Polanka. "Ebook Access: Business Models for Subscription Services" Online Searcher Vol. 37 Iss. 2 (2013) p. 65 - 67 ISSN: 2324-9684
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