Big Data Meets Performance Improvement: Separating Promise from Hype
International Society of Performance Improvement: Europe - Middle East - Africa (ISPI-EMEA) 2017 Annual Conference
Big data and analytics cross traditional boundaries among performance improvement, information technology, and data science. While more established in other disciplines, big data and analytics are a looming reality for performance improvement practitioners. Targeted to beginners to big data and performance improvement alike, this highly interactive session will share the results of a systematic literature review that identified innovative approaches and lessons learned. Participants will then use a case study activity to create a draft proposal for using big data to address a performance gap.
During this session participants will:
- Identify organizational readiness indicators that support use of big data and analytics.
- Draft a plan for using big data to address a performance gap.
Publication Date
September 24, 2016
Bonn, Germany
Citation Information
Lisa A. Giacumo and Steven W. Villachica. "Big Data Meets Performance Improvement: Separating Promise from Hype" International Society of Performance Improvement: Europe - Middle East - Africa (ISPI-EMEA) 2017 Annual Conference (2016) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/steven_villachica/23/