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Contribution to Book
Metaphors for Digital Games and Learning Language
The Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Technology (2016)
  • Jonathon Reinhardt, University of Arizona
  • Steven L. Thorne, Portland State University
This chapter explores digital games and their relevance and usefulness to L2 learning and pedagogy for both researchers and educators. First, the chapter describes game genres and types and presents and overview of possible game experiences. It then discusses the familiar CALL metaphor of tool and tutor (Levy 1997), as well as the more recent metaphor of ecology, in application to digital gaming and illustrates each with reference to research and pedagogical implications. Then, it examines a potentially new CALL metaphor of ‘game as method’ by first examining several parallels between game design and L2 activity design parameters; these include goal-orientation, interaction or interactivity, feedback, context and motivation. Each of these parallels holds implications for developing and implementing ‘gameful’ L2 instruction. The chapter concludes with a critical evaluation of the game as method metaphor by examining and interfacing the concepts of digital games with L2 learning theories and pedagogical methodologies, and proposes that ‘gamefulness’ may be a better conceptualization for the metaphor. 
Publication Date
February, 2016
Fiona Farr and Liam Murray
Citation Information
Reinhardt, J. & Thorne, S. (2016) Metaphors for digital games and learning language. In F. Farr & L. Murray (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook for Language Learning and Technology (p. 415-430). Routlege: Abingdon, UK.