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Does the For-Cause Removal Provision for the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Impermissibly Encroach on the President's Constitutional Power to Direct and Control the Executive Branch - If So, is It Severable from the Rest of the Dodd-Frank Act (19-7), 47 Preview U.S. Sup. Ct. Cas. 22 (2020)
UIC Law Open Access Faculty Scholarship
  • Steven D. Schwinn, John Marshall Law School
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Steven Schwinn, Does the For-Cause Removal Provision for the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Impermissibly Encroach on the President's Constitutional Power to Direct and Control the Executive Branch - If So, is It Severable from the Rest of the Dodd-Frank Act (19-7), 47 Preview U.S. Sup. Ct. Cas. 22 (2020)