Can a Group of Muslim and Arab Men Sue Federal Officials for Violating Their Civil Rights in Identifying, Detaining, and Abusing Them in the Investigations into the 9/11 Attacks: Ziglar v. Abbasi, Ashcroft v. Abbasi, and Hasty v. Abbasi (15-1358) (15-1359) (15-1363), 44 Preview U.S. Sup. Ct. Cas. 117 (2017)
Preview U.S. Sup. Ct. Cases
Publication Date
January 9, 2017
Citation Information
Steven D. Schwinn. "Can a Group of Muslim and Arab Men Sue Federal Officials for Violating Their Civil Rights in Identifying, Detaining, and Abusing Them in the Investigations into the 9/11 Attacks: Ziglar v. Abbasi, Ashcroft v. Abbasi, and Hasty v. Abbasi (15-1358) (15-1359) (15-1363), 44 Preview U.S. Sup. Ct. Cas. 117 (2017)" Preview U.S. Sup. Ct. Cases (2017) Available at: