With a balance of online and traditional print sources, the Fifth Edition of BASIC LEGAL RESEARCH WORKBOOK encourages independent, experiential learning. Proven effective in the classroom, the authors’ carefully developed problems gradually progress from introductory to more complex. Whether accompanying Amy Sloan’s BASIC LEGAL RESEARCH: TOOLS AND STRATEGIES, or any other legal research text, these exercises provide hands-on practice throughout the course that will serve students well in their careers as lawyers.
Hallmarks of Basic Legal Research Workbook:
- Coverage that mirrors the research sources studied in first-year Legal Research courses, including both online and print sources
- A logical and intuitive organization • Research exercises presented at graduated levels of difficulty, from guided research to open research requiring more advanced research skills
- Online research exercises with progressively more complex questions to instruct students on the latest interface features of commonly-used databases
- Print assignments that can work in multiple jurisdictions, reducing the demand on single library sources
- Companion website: www.aspenlawschool.com/books/sloan_workbook
Building on its strengths, the timely Fifth Edition includes:
- Flexible exercises that can be completed online or in print • Updated problem sets
- Inclusion of Student Learning Outcomes that support formative and summative student assessment
- Updated exercises that reflect the latest versions of Westlaw and Lexis
- Questions that introduce students to Bloomberg Law and the latest government websites (e.g., govinfo.gov)
Hallmarks of Basic Legal Research Workbook:
- Coverage that mirrors the research sources studied in first-year Legal Research courses, including both print and electronic sources
- A logical and intuitive organization
- Library exercises, presented at graduating levels of difficulty, from basic searches to those requiring more advanced research skills
- Print assignments that can work in multiple jurisdictions, reducing the demand on single library sources
Building on its strengths, the timely Revised Fourth Edition includes updated electronic research exercises that progressively instruct students on the latest interface features from WestlawNext and Lexis Advance.
- legal writing,
- legal education
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/steven_schwinn/164/