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About Steven M. Lonergan

Dr. Lonergan was co-instructor of the inaugural Dean’s Global Agriculture and Food Policy Leadership Program in 2009; his leadership in the program continues (2010, 2012, 2014, 2016).  This undergraduate program, which includes a Study Abroad component in Rome, Italy, is designed to encourage students to explore topics that affect food security and distribution, including technical components of food production, cultural realities, ecology, political economy, biodiversity and intellectual property rights.  Students work with clients in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and with NGOs to focus on improving food distribution and food security.  Students gain a valuable perspective on the forces shaping food policy in developed and developing economies, enabling their placement in international businesses.   In 2012, students in this program published a peer reviewed journal article that summarized their findings (Barnes et al., Animal Frontiers 2 (4): 54-60).  The students in the 2014 program each presented posters to summarize their efforts at national scientific meetings.  Students who have worked on the FAO International Network of Food Data Systems (INFOODS) food composition database (in 2012 and 2014) have been recognized by FAO INFOODS with the 2015 Success Stories Award to recognize their contribution to enhancing the food composition resources used world-wide.  This award is not specifically a student award, but one reserved for programs that contribute to the global efforts of the INFOODS program.


Present Professor, Iowa State University Department of Animal Science


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215B Meat Lab
914 Stange Rd
Ames, IA 50011


Technical Reports (69)