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Low-input sustainable sow housing for Iowa
Leopold Center Completed Grant Reports
  • Mark S. Honeyman, Iowa State University
  • Steven J. Hoff, Iowa State University
  • James McKean, Iowa State University
  • Dwaine S. Bundy, Iowa State University
  • Emmett Stevermer, Iowa State University
Project ID
This project developed a low-cost, innovative sow housing and feeding system that is currently under consideration for a patent. A quasi ad libitum (free feeding of a controlled diet) electronic feeding system for gestating sows was housed in a 9.1 X 18.3 meter steel-hooped structure covered with an aluminized plastic tarp. A feeder served as a partition between high-energy and low-energy diet feeding areas. After weighing, hogs were directed to the appropriate diet by means of a tag number read by a computer. Such farm size-neutral housing can help producers raise lean market pigs. Other advantages include improved sow welfare, better worker environment, and less odor than confinement.
Principal Investigator(s)
Mark Honeyman, Steve Hoff
James McKean, Dwaine Bundy, Emmett Stevermer
Year of Grant Completion
Citation Information
Mark S. Honeyman, Steven J. Hoff, James McKean, Dwaine S. Bundy, et al.. "Low-input sustainable sow housing for Iowa" (1996)
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