Marshall University Music Department Presents Marshall University Percussion Ensemble, Steven Hall, conductor, Charles Powell, assistant conductor
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Steven Hall, conductor, Charles Powell, assistant conductor
Chris Scarberry, xylophone soloist
Mason Bartlett, Jeremy Boggs, Matthew Bradley, Robert Ellison, Jake Davis, Brandon Eplin, Justin Evans
Montana Gatens, Ethan Gibson, Evan Grover, Jacob Hunt, Abigail Peters, Charles Powell ***, Christopher Scarberry, Jonathon Shuff, William Snyder, Tyler Stewart, Chad Terry, Evan White
Anna Maria Firth, piano
*** graduate student
This program is presented with kind support from the John Deaver Drinko Academy at Marshall University, the Marshall University College of Fine Arts and School of Music and Theatre and First Presbyterian Church.
Smith Recital Hall
Citation Information
Steven Hall and Charles Powell. Marshall University Music Department Presents Marshall University Percussion Ensemble, Steven Hall, conductor, Charles Powell, assistant conductor. (2014) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/steven_hall/22/