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Review of: "Social Learning in Environmental Management: Towards a Sustainable Future"
Journal of Environmental Management
  • Steven E. Daniels, Utah State University
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This journal's editors are likely miffed at me for being late on this review No doubt a considerable portion of my tardiness comes from a penchant for over-commitment and disorganization. But part of the explanation is that this is my third attempt to write the review. The first two I rejected because the tone in each was overly simplistic. One version was hugely supportive of the book and verged on boosterism. The second was largely critical of ways that the book could have accomplished more. My hope with this review is to weave the two together in order to provide a more nuanced and accurate review. But some basic background on the book is necessary as context.


Originally published by Elsevier. Publisher's PDF and HTML fulltext available through remote link. Book editors: M. Keen, V. Brown and R. Dyball.

Citation Information
"Social Learning in Environmental Management: Towards a Sustainable Future", M. Keen, V. Brown and R. Dyball, eds. Journal of Environmental Management, 2006.