Application of Large Eddy Simulation to Aged Water Transmission Pipes
Journal of Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics
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The filtered Navier-Stokes equations were solved using the techniques of large eddy simulation to model flow through an aged pipe at a Reynolds number of 6800. The large eddy simulation produced DarcyWeisbach friction factors that were 20% less than the friction factors obtained from experimental tests. Much of the error is believed to be a consequence of filtering the smallest roughness elements when meshing the pipe wall boundary and possible deficiencies in the subgrid-scale model at modeling the complex three-dimensional flow structures due to the irregular pipe boundary.
Citation Information
Sep 2010: Application of Large Eddy Simulation to Aged Water Transmission Pipes. Journal of Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics; (Ryan Christensen, *, Robert Spall) Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 450-458 (2010)