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Switchable Aromaticity in an Isostructural Mn Phthalocyanine Series Isolated in Five Separate Redox States
Journal of the American Chemical Society
  • Camden Hunt, University of California
  • Madeline Peterson, University of California
  • Cassidy Anderson, University of California
  • Tieyan Chang, University of Chicago
  • Guang Wu, University of California
  • Steve Scheiner, Utah State University
  • Gabriel Ménard, University of California
Document Type
Publication Date
American Chemical Society

The synthesis and characterization of a new phthalocyanine(Pc) Mn-nitride complex, (OEtPc)MnN (2; OEtPc= 1,4,8,11,15,18,22,25-octaethoxy-Pc), as well as its stable, readily accessible oxidized (2+ and 22+) and reduced (2-, 22-) congeners is reported. This unique isostructural series displays switchable aromatic character spanning the aromatic (2), non-aromatic (22+), and antiaromatic (22-) triad, in addition to the open-shell radical states (2+, 2-). All complexes were structurally characterized and displayed significant structural distortions at the redox extrema (22+, 22-) consistent with proposed [16 or 18]annulene π ring circuit models. Spectroscopic and computational studies further support these models. This isolated, fully characterized, isostructural series spanning five redox states (22+, 2+, 2, 2-, 22-) is unique in both the Pc and related macrocyclic (ex. porphyrinoids) literature and may offer direct insight into structural-electronic correlations driven by switchable aromaticity.


This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Journal of the American Chemical Society, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see

Citation Information
Hunt, C., Peterson, M., Anderson, C., Chang, T., Wu, G., Scheiner, S. I., Ménard, G. (2019). Switchable Aromaticity in an Isostructural Mn Phthalocyanine Series Isolated in Five Separate Redox States. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141(6), 2604-2613.