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Rules for BN-Substitution in BCN-Fullerenes. Separation of BN and C Domains
The Journal of Physical Chemistry (2003)
  • Tapas Kar, Utah State University
  • Jayasree Pattanayak, Utah State University
  • Steve Scheiner, Utah State University

Atomic arrangements, substitution patterns, and properties of BN-doped C60 fullerene have been investigated using semiempirical MNDO and density functional theory (B3LYP/3-21G). The BN units prefer to stay together following “hexagon−hexagon junction”, “N-site attachment”, “hexagon filling” and “continuity” rules; this characteristic of atomic arrangement is independent of the compositions of BCN fullerenes. Charge redistributions after each BN substitution seem to play a guiding role for selecting the next carbon pair to be replaced by BN. The incoming BN group seeks the most highly charged carbon pairs. Up to twenty carbon pairs of C60 may be replaced by heteroatoms. The band gap (HOMO−LUMO gap) strongly depends on the number of BN units and their filling patterns. BN-substitution increases the electron donation capacity of fullerene.

  • rules,
  • BN,
  • substitution,
  • BCN,
  • fullerenes,
  • separation,
  • C,
  • domains
Publication Date
January 1, 2003
Publisher Statement

Originally published by the American Chemical Society. Publisher's PDF and HTML fulltext available through remote link.

Citation Information
Rules for BN-Substitution in BCN-Fullerenes. Separation of BN and C Domains T. Kar, J. Pattanayak, S. Scheiner J. Phys. Chem. A 2003 107(41): 8630-8637