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Relationship between Strength of Hydrogen Bond and Barrier to Proton Transfer
Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM (1994)
  • Steve Scheiner, Utah State University

Barriers to proton transfer are computed using ab initio methods for a number of systems, charged and uncharged, that contain either intramolecular or intermolecular H-bonds. It is shown that the very strong H-bonds that occur in ionic H-bonds between electronegative atoms like O or F are characterized by proton transfer potentials that have a single symmetric minimum. The transfer barrier that separates the two minima in less strongly-bound complexes rises as the H-bond weakens, as a result of involvement of less electronegative atoms. The weakening is evident from the equilibrium H-bond lengths, as well as the calculated energetics. The strain introduced into intramolecular H-bonds can act to raise the proton transfer barrier. Nonetheless, the relationship between weaker H-bonds and lower barriers is apparent, even in excited electronic states.

  • relationship,
  • strength,
  • hydrogen bond,
  • barrier,
  • proton transfer
Publication Date
January 1, 1994
Citation Information
Relationship between Strength of Hydrogen Bond and Barrier to Proton Transfer S. Scheiner J. Mol. Struct., Theochem 1994 307, 65-71.