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Basis Sets for Molecular Interactions. 2. Application to H3N-HF, H3N-HOH, H2O-HF, (NH3)2, and H3CH-OH2
Journal of Computational Chemistry (1987)
  • Zdzisław Latajka
  • Steve Scheiner, Utah State University

Modifications of the standard 6-31G** basis set as recommended in the accompanying paper are found to markedly lower the basis set superposition error (BSSE) in the title complexes, in contrast to enlargement to a triple-ζ scheme or by addition of a diffuse sp shell or a second set of d-functions without prior optimization, all of which lead to BSSE increase. After appropriate correction for correlation and superposition effects, all basis sets (with the exception of the standard 6-31G** and 6-311G** with their very large BSSE) predict the cyclic geometry of NH3 dimer to be more stable than the linear arrangement. Correlation and BSSE can shift the equilibrium intermolecular distance in H3CH-OH2 by up to 0.4 Å. Failure to correct for superposition error leads to a drastic exaggeration of both the SCF and MP2 components of the interaction energy in this complex. Much better estimates are furnished by our recommended basis sets with their smaller superposition errors.

  • basis,
  • sets,
  • molecular,
  • interactions,
  • application,
  • H3N-HF,
  • H3N-HOH,
  • H2O-HF,
  • (NH3)2,
  • H3CH-OH2
Publication Date
January 1, 1987
Citation Information
Basis Sets for Molecular Interactions. 2. Application to H3N-HF, H3N-HOH, H2O-HF, (NH3)2, and H3CH-OH2 Z. Latajka and S. Scheiner J. Comput. Chem., 1987 8, 674-682.