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About Steven Miller

Dr. Miller is founding Dean of the School of Information Systems (SIS) at Singapore Management University, and was appointed Emeritus Professor of Information Systems. Since 2003, he has led efforts to launch and establish the undergraduate, graduate and professional programs of the SIS. He was the Vice Provost (Research) from 2014-2020.

Immediately prior to joining SMU, Dr. Miller served as Chief Architect Executive for the Business Consulting Services unit of IBM Global Services in Asia Pacific. He held prior industry appointments with Fujitsu Network Systems, and with RWD Technologies. Dr. Miller started his professional career as an Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University , conducting research and teaching related to Computer-Integrated Manufacturing and Robotics applications and impacts.

He has a Bachelors of Engineering Degree in Systems Engineering (Magna Cum Laude) from the University of Pennsylvania and a Masters of Science in Statistics and a Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University.


July 2012 - Present Vice Provost, Singapore Management University

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Contact Information

+65 68280908 Singapore Management University
Administration Building
81 Victoria Street
Singapore 188065


Articles (36)

Book Chapters (8)

Books (2)