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Genotypic and Environmental Components of Variation in Growth and Reproduction of Fish Hemiclones (Poeciliopsis: poecilidae)
Evolution (1989)
  • JEFFREY D, WETHERINGTON, Rutgers University - New Brunswick/Piscataway
  • Stephen C. Weeks
  • KAREN E, KOTORA, Rutgers University - New Brunswick/Piscataway
  • Robert C. Vrijenhoek
The frozen-niche-variation model was proposed to account for the coexistence of ge­netically related clones in naturally occurring unisexual populations. This model is based on two assumptions: 1) ecologically different clones have multiple independent origins from sexual ances­tors; and 2) the population of sexual ancestors contains genetic variability for ecologically relevant traits. To test these assumptions, we produced 14 new "hemiclones" (nonrecombining haploid genotypes) offish (Poeci!iopsis: Poeciliidae). Our ability to synthesize many new hemiclones dem­onstrates the feasibility of multiple independent origins of nonrecombining genotypes. A substantial proportion (I 0-50%) of the phenotypic variation among hemiclones in size at birth,juvenile growth rate, and fecundity had a genetic basis. Thus, we conclude that multiple origins can give rise to an assemblage of genetically distinct hemiclones, each with a unique combination of life-history traits. Additionally, a comparative analysis of two natural hemiclones revealed that the synthetic strains represent a broad field of variation from which natural hemiclones can be selected.
Publication Date
Spring May 1, 1989
Citation Information
JEFFREY D, WETHERINGTON, Stephen C. Weeks, KAREN E, KOTORA and Robert C. Vrijenhoek. "Genotypic and Environmental Components of Variation in Growth and Reproduction of Fish Hemiclones (Poeciliopsis: poecilidae)" Evolution Vol. 43 Iss. 3 (1989) p. 635 - 645
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