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Intersexual conflict in androdioecious clam shrimp: Do androdioecious hermaphrodites evolve to avoid mating with males?
Ethology (2018)
  • Rebecah E. Ford, The University of Akron
  • Stephen C. Weeks
A recent sexual conflict model posits that a form of intersexual conflict may explain the persistence of males in androdioecious (males + hermaphrodites) populations of animals that are being selected to transition from dioecious (gonochoristic) mating to self-compatible hermaphroditism. During the evolutionary spread of a self-compatible hermaphrodite to replace females, the selective pressures on males to outcross are in conflict with the selective pressures on hermaphrodites to self. According to this model, the unresolved conflict interferes with the evolutionary trajectory from dioecy to hermaphroditism, slowing or halting that transition and strengthening the
otherwise “transitory” breeding system of androdioecy into a potentially stable breeding strategy. Herein, we assess this model using two dioecious and two androdioecious clam shrimp (freshwater crustaceans) to ask two questions: (1) Have hermaphrodites evolved so that males cannot effectively recognize them?; and (2) Do androdioecious hermaphrodites avoid males? Androdioecious males made more mistakes than dioecious males when guarding potential mates suggesting that androdioecious males were less effective at finding hermaphrodites than dioecious males were at finding females. Similarly, in a three-chambered experiment, focal hermaphrodites chose to aggregate with their same sex, whereas focal dioecious males chose to aggregate with the alternate sex. Together, these two experiments support the sexual conflict model of the maintenance of androdioecy and suggest that hermaphrodites are indeed evolving to avoid and evade males.
  • Eulimnadia texana Packard,
  • mate guarding,
  • mating success,
  • reproductive evolution,
  • sexual aggregation
Publication Date
Spring March 3, 2018
Citation Information
Rebecah E. Ford and Stephen C. Weeks. "Intersexual conflict in androdioecious clam shrimp: Do androdioecious hermaphrodites evolve to avoid mating with males?" Ethology Vol. 124 (2018) p. 357 - 364
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