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About Stephen B. Vardeman

Stephen B. Vardeman is a University Professor of Statistics and Industrial Engineering and Liberal Arts and Sciences Kingland Data Analytics Faculty Fellow at Iowa State University. He is the author of Statistics for Engineering Problem Solving (ISBN 0-534-92871-4) published in 1994 by PWS Publishing (also published by IEEE as ISBN 0-7803-1118-3), winner of the (biennial) 1994 ASEE Meriam-Wiley Distinguished Author Award for an outstanding new engineering textbook.  He is coauthor (with J. Marcus Jobe) of Statistical Quality Assurance for Engineers (ISBN 0-471-15937-3) published in 1999 by John Wiley and Sons , Basic Engineering Data Collection and Analysis (ISBN 0534-36957X) published in 2001 by Duxbury/Thomson Learning, and Statistical Methods for Quality Assurance: Basics, Measurement, Control, Capability, and Improvement (ISBN 978-0-387-79105-0) published in 2016 by Springer-Verlag New York.
He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, an Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute and was Editor of Technometrics from 1993 through 1995.  His current professional interests include Statistical Machine Learning, Business and Engineering Analytics, Engineering and Natural Science applications of Statistics, Statistics and Metrology, Directional Data Analysis, Defense and Homeland Security applications of Statistics, Industrial applications, Statistical Education, and the development of new Statistical Theory and Methods. 


Present University Professor, Iowa State University Department of Statistics
University Professor, Iowa State University Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

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Contact Information

3022 Black Engr
2529 Union Dr
Ames, IA 50011
Phone: 515-294-9068
Fax: 515-294-3524


Publications (34)