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About Stephen F Duffy PhD, PE

My current research initiatives include serving as the principle investigator on a grant funded under the Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) Program and administered through Idaho National Lab (DoE). This project focuses on developing constitutive laws and failure models for nuclear graphite used to fabricate in-core structural components. I also serve as the principle investigator for a multi-year grant from the US DoT that funds the University Transportation Center established at Cleveland State University in 2004. I have served as an invited team member on the University of California San Francisco/Cleveland Clinic Renal Assist Device (artificial kidney) project. This three year project was funded in 2007 under the NIH Quantum Grants program. I have served as the principle investigator for a multi-year project funded by the US Army Research Lab (Aberdeen Proving Grounds) that focused on developing failure models for ceramic armor and ceramic gun barrels. I was supported by the US DoE (Oak Ridge National Lab) from fiscal year 2000 through 2006 on research that focused on developing reliability protocols for microturbine components under the Distributed Energy Research (DER) program. I was supported for three years on a project supported by the Lawrence Livermore National Lab that focused on components utilized by US National Ignition Facility. Over the past two decades I have been retained as a consultant on various projects that include: reliability analyses of missile nose cones, the design of solid oxide fuel cells, and the analysis of an aeroshell for one of the NASA Mars missions.


Present Director of University Transportation Center, Cleveland State University
Present Professor, Cleveland State University

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