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CAHOST: An Excel Workbook for Facilitating the Johnson-Neyman Technique for Two-Way Interactions in Multiple Regression
Frontiers in Psychology
  • Stephen W. Carden, Georgia Southern University
  • Nicholas S. Holtzman, Georgia Southern University
  • Michael J. Strube, Washington University
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When using multiple regression, researchers frequently wish to explore how the relationship between two variables is moderated by another variable; this is termed an interaction. Historically, two approaches have been used to probe interactions: the pick-a-point approach and the Johnson-Neyman (JN) technique. The pick-a-point approach has limitations that can be avoided using the JN technique. Currently, the software available for implementing the JN technique and creating corresponding figures lacks several desirable features–most notably, ease of use and figure quality. To fill this gap in the literature, we offer a free Microsoft Excel 2013 workbook, CAHOST (a concatenation of the first two letters of the authors' last names), that allows the user to seamlessly create publication-ready figures of the results of the JN technique.


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Citation Information
Stephen W. Carden, Nicholas S. Holtzman and Michael J. Strube. "CAHOST: An Excel Workbook for Facilitating the Johnson-Neyman Technique for Two-Way Interactions in Multiple Regression" Frontiers in Psychology Vol. 8 (2017) p. 1 - 7 ISSN: 1664-1078
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