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R v Ricciardi
Articles, Book Chapters, & Popular Press
  • Steve Coughlan, Dalhousie University - Schulich School of Law
Document Type
Response or Comment
Publication Date
  • Charter,
  • Unreasonable Search and Seizure

Section 489(2) is an example of a Criminal Code section which can be read to mean something other than it means. It is a power allowing a peace officer or public officer who "is lawfully present in a place pursuant to a warrant or otherwise in the execution of duties" to seize evidence of a crime. Although s. 489 does not precisely overlap with the plain view doctrine, it is close to being a codification of that, expanding the scope of that power slightly.

Citation Information
Stephen Coughlan, "R v Ricciardi", Case Comment, (2017) 36 CR (7th) 338.