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About Stephen Barnard

Dr. Stephen (Steve) Barnard is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Sociology and Criminology.  Before joining the faculty at Butler, he was Associate Professor and Chair of the Sociology Department at St. Lawrence University, where he worked from 2014-2021.  Steve earned his Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Missouri in 2012, where he also earned an M.A. (2007) and B.A. (2005).  He also held two interdisciplinary postdoctoral positionsone with the University of Denver’s Department of Media, Film, and Journalism Studies (2013-2014), and another with the School of Journalism and Peace Studies Program at the University of Missouri (2012-2013). 

His scholarship focuses on the role media and communication technologies play in relations of power, practice, and democracy. His first book, Citizens at the Gates: Twitter, Networked Publics, and the Transformation of American Journalism, won the 2020 Best Book Award from the Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology (CITAMS) section of the American Sociological Association.  Steve is also co-author of All Media are Social: Sociological Perspectives on Mass Media (2020, Routledge).  His work has appeared in the journals New Media & SocietyJournalism, Cultural Studies <=> Critical MethodologiesHybrid Pedagogy, and in several edited volumes.  Steve has written for popular audiences in publications like The HillRealClearPolitics, and Contexts, the magazine of the American Sociological Association.  His current book project, “Hacking Hybrid Media: Power, Practice, and Problematic Information” is under contract with Oxford University Press.

At Butler, Steve will teach a number of classes, including Deviance and Social Control, Popular Culture, Social Theory Seminar, Violence Media and Culture, and a section of Social World 200: Understanding Society focused on media.

For more information about Dr. Barnard, see his personal website.


Present Associate Professor, Chair of Sociology & Criminology, Butler University Department of Sociology & Criminology

Curriculum Vitae


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Professional Service and Affiliations

2020 - 2021 Educational Technology Committee – Chair, St. Lawrence University
2019 - 2021 Diversity Advocate (for faculty hiring), St. Lawrence University
2020 Academic Restructuring Working Group. Experience St. Lawrence Task Force, St. Lawrence University
2020 Programmatic Working Group. Experience St. Lawrence Task Force., St. Lawrence University
2018 - 2019 Ad-hoc committee for Digital Accessibility, St. Lawrence University
2018 - 2019 Ad-hoc committee for implementation of new University-wide Learning Goal, St. Lawrence University
2015 - 2019 Information Technology Committee - (Chair: 2016-2017, 2018-2019), St. Lawrence University
2014 - 2018 Crossing Boundaries (Digital Humanities) Advisory Board, St. Lawrence University
2015 - 2016 New York Six (NY6) Think Tank – Faculty Fellow, St. Lawrence University
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Honors and Awards

  • 2020 - 2021 Frank P. Piskor Faculty Lectureship, “Hacking Hybrid Media: Power, Politics, and Problematic Information in American Media.” St. Lawrence University.
  • 2020 Best Book Award, Communication, Information Technologies, and Med
  • 2017 William B. Bradbury, Jr. Faculty Award ($2000). St. Lawrence University.
  • 2015 Crossing Boundaries Small Grant ($2000). “Twitter and Society: Practicing Digital Sociology with ‘Big Data’.” St. Lawrence University, Mellon Humanities Grant.
  • 2015-2016 Digital Initiatives Senior Faculty Fellow – St. Lawrence University, supported by the Mellon Foundation Humanities Grant.
  • 2015 Hybrid Pedagogy Fellow – Digital Pedagogy Lab, University of Wisconsin-Madison. August 10-14.
  • 2014-2015 Digital Initiatives Faculty Fellow – St. Lawrence University, supported by the Mellon Foundation Humanities Grant.
  • Golden Key International Honour Society – Lifetime Member, 2011


  • Social World 200: Understanding Society [with a focus on Media]


2012 Ph.D., University of Missouri ‐ Sociology
2007 M.A., University of Missouri ‐ Sociology
2005 B.A., University of Missouri ‐ Sociology

Books (3)

Articles (4)

Book Chapters (4)

Media Appearances (7)

Other Publications (2)

Book Reviews (3)

Presentations (1)