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Addressing the Anthropology of Business Ethics: Insights from Catholic Social Thought
Theology Department Faculty Publications
  • Stephanie Ann Y Puen, Ateneo de Manila University
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This paper proposes an alternate anthropology as seen in the Vocation of a Business Leader, a document on business and Catholic social thought, which responds to the question of what good economics and business ethics is, and the Economy of Communion, that seeks to live such an anthropology out concretely in business. This anthropology is grounded in an understanding of the human being that focuses on relationality, the common good, solidarity, and subsidiarity, which undergirds a communitarian model of business. Such a communitarian model of business is more line with the public’s expectation of business as a social force for the common good, rather than the common perception of business as primarily profit driven or extremely individualistic.

Citation Information
Puen, S. A. Y. (2019) Addressing the anthropology of business ethics: Insights from Catholic Social Thought. Journal of Religion and Business Ethics, 4(8). Available at: